A newborn baby’s arrival is one of the happiest days of your life. All you can think about is giving your little one all the love, hugs, and pampering. Besides all of this, changing their diaper will also be a task you'll be facing often as a new parent. Diaper changing might not be your favourite part of the whole parenting gig, as the little ones aren’t always cooperative while changing. But as the baby grows, you will become a pro at changing diapers.
Confused about whether it is better to let the diaper soak to its maximum or put on a fresh diaper when it is just wet? We have got you covered.

When To Change Your Baby’s Diaper?
It is an important question to ask because diaper-changing habits can affect your baby’s health. Babies often urinate more than 20 times a day and initially, it may take time to understand your baby’s bowel movements and urination patterns. Regardless of the kind of diapers you use for your baby, they should be changed every 2-3 hours. However, parents set a pattern over time as the baby grows, and begin to sense when to change their little one’s diapers. Some babies often make it evident by their facial expressions when having a bowel movement, or even cry when a soiled diaper makes them uncomfortable. Do not forget to change diapers after every bowel movement of the baby.
What About Changing The Diaper At Night?
You may not want to wake your baby while they are sleeping, but it is better to have the baby cry than let them have a dirty diaper that can cause skin irritation and rashes. Change your baby’s diaper before bedtime so that both them and you can sleep peacefully. Use an extra-absorbent overnight diaper as it will reduce the need for a diaper change. Try applying diaper cream before bed to keep your baby comfortable as it protects them from diaper rashes.

Why Should You Change A Baby’s Diaper This Often?
It may get challenging at times to change diapers this often. A late diaper change here and there is okay, but not changing the dirty diaper for a long time may cause rashes and irritate the baby’s skin. New-born babies have sensitive skin and are even more prone to problems with diapering. Common issues related to delayed diaper changes are diaper rashes, skin chafing, yeast infections, bladder infections, leakage, and diaper breakage.
Terrifying, right? Many of these uncomfortable conditions would put your baby in a bad mood and make them cranky.
Which Diapers To Choose?
Cloth diapers are often used as they are good for the environment. However, they are less absorbent than disposable diapers, so you need to change them more often.
Disposable diapers like Niine Diaper Pants are thinner and fit better. They keep your baby drier. Research shows that disposables may reduce diaper rash and protect your baby’s skin, compared to cloth diapers.
Take note of these things while changing your baby’s diaper:
- Ensure that the diaper fits your baby, and is of high quality.
- Always clean your hands before and after changing diapers.
- It's always safe to have a couple of extra diapers handy.
- Change the baby’s clothes if the diaper has made the clothes dirty.
- Apply diaper rash creams to prevent skin irritation.
- Keep your baby's favourite toy visible for distraction.
Tips For Diaper Rashes:
What is a diaper rash?
Diaper rash can be spotted easily. The red, irritated skin around the diaper area is a diaper rash. This diaper rash can be treated at home and usually goes away in a few days.

How can diaper rashes be avoided?
- Check your little one’s diaper often (every 3 hours) and change it on time.
- Clean your baby’s diaper area thoroughly during changes.
- Avoid using scented wipes or soaps near your baby's diaper area.
- Touch gently, do not rub a baby's bottom when drying after a bath.
- Avoid using plastic pants and look out for marks on the baby’s skin, this happens when the diaper is too tight.
However, if the rash doesn't go away, gets worse, or if small bumps appear on your baby's sensitive skin, consult a pediatrician as soon as possible. Changing your baby regularly keeps your baby happy and healthy.